Hello, The Click Five !!
I'm Linda from Taiwan.
Maybe u can see me in ur friend list on myspace or facebook.
Okay,I know they u guys have so many performances in difficult countries.
It's a long journey to spread all ur music around the world !!
Therefore, I came up with one question want to ask u.

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但確忘了要po問題滴內容啦= =||

2.專輯當中能聽到不少情歌~許多首歌都是在談論愛情(戀愛 分手...等)想請問5次方滴成員這些歌詞是你們曾經滴愛情故事or想像創作出來滴呢?

kinkitsuyoshi74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

the click five is the best!!!

kinkitsuyoshi74 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()






theclickfive 發表在 痞客邦 留言(14) 人氣()

來聽聽5次方樂團親口跟你say HI~

theclickfive 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hey,I'm Nikki,your big fan in Taiwan :)

I was shocked when I heard Eric left TC5. I was afraid that I couldn't see TC5 anymore. I'm so happy I can see you guys again with new vocal,Kyle. He is pretty great,and your new songs are awesome. I have both 1st and 2nd albums. It's a little regrettable that I can't see the old TC5,but I'm really excited about seeing you guys with Kyle. I love TC5 forever!

And I wanna ask you some questions:

1.Who is the most narcissistic man in the click 5?

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Hi, The Click FIve.  I'm Leigh.  I'm so happy that you are going to Taiwan.  I've not bought your album yet, but I'm going to buy it tomorrow. :) 
There are some questions that I'd like to ask you.


 1. What kind of food in Taiwan do you want to try most ?

ptes50434 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hello, The Click Five, my name is Esme.

I’m not having your new album yet, but I guess I will buy it anyway. *blink*

Acuatlly I like your new style of music (and Kyle’s vocal ) better,

because some melody of the songs in the last album were too happy to hear while not in a good mood.

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Bonjour, The Click Five!

This is Cherry.

At first place I saw this band, I was falling in love with your music. You guys are really awesome!

I love every song in your new album, especially "Jenny" & "I'm Getting Over You".

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The following are my questions.

1. What's the biggest diffirence to you four after Kyle became the lead singer?

2. Can you tell me what images that Taiwanese girls give you guys?

3. Do you have any mottos in your life or music field?

tinghuei0207 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()