
Hello, The Click Five, my name is Esme.

I’m not having your new album yet, but I guess I will buy it anyway. *blink*

Acuatlly I like your new style of music (and Kyle’s vocal ) better,

because some melody of the songs in the last album were too happy to hear while not in a good mood.

But the lyrics really touched me with the true desire behind the words.


I’d like to know about the following questions.

1. What’s the meaning of the name of your last album “Greetings From Imrie House” ?

2. Who wrote the lyrics of “Resign” and “Pop Princess” ?


To Kyle, I still will listen to your music even if you weren’t such a good looking guy.

That day I was reading while I heard „Jenny“ from TV,

and all of a sudden I realized it’s The Click Five with a new vocal !

Before I saw your appearance, I’ve decided the band attracted me more than it used to be.

And it’s all because of your music.

Besides, pretty appearance is one of the excellence of human beings, so use it well ! XD

Have a great time wherever you five go! 

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